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'Curator's Choice'

to December 2017

The Anthony Shaw Collection, on long term loan to York Art Gallery, retains its special character as a collection responsive to innovation in the field of British ceramic art. In making my selection for the new display, I have therefore been able to include a number of Anthony Shaw's most recent acquisitions from Gordon Baldwin, Kerry Jameson, Nao Matsunaga and Sara Radstone, to name just a few, while considering their relationships to earlier works, both by the same artists and with those of other significant figures such as Ewen Henderson and Gillian Lowndes. When forming his collection Shaw has made no hierarchical distinction between art forms; for him matters of sensitivity to material and creative vision have clearly been paramount, so that paintings, sculptures, textiles and souvenirs will also be prominent features of the display. For me, it has been an enormous privilege to have been invited to work with such a major collection, and to have the chance to share so many fascinating discoveries.

Tessa Peters, Independent Curator

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