You can help support this major collection
For £50 a year, you can become a Patron of the Anthony Shaw Collection.
As a Patron you will be invited to exhibition openings and special Patrons evenings, and your donation will provide vital assistance in the daily running of the Collection.
Your contribution would be invaluable, and would help support the Anthony Shaw Collection in its move to York Museum, where it is now on long-term loan. The Collection will be displayed at York after the Museum is reopened in 2015, and will be shown in the domestic manner of Billing Place, where it has been exhibited for the last six years.
A large number of significant pieces can currently be seen on show at York Art Gallery in Gordon Baldwin: Objects for a Landscape.
If you would like to contribute to this rare and superb collection, please email or telephone +44 (0)20 7385 5775 for further information.